Recognition of foreign studies graduation diplomas
What is the recognition of a foreign studies graduation diploma?
Recognition is a procedure leading to the determination of a Polish equivalent of a foreign diploma. The procedure is relevant to diploma that has been obtained abroad and that cannot be recognised as equivalent to a relevant Polish diploma and professional title on the basis of an international agreement that defines equivalence.
A person whose diploma has been recognised as equivalent to the Polish diploma and professional title may use the relevant Polish professional title.
Legal basis: Art. 327 s. 1 and 2 of of the Act of 20 July 2018 – the Law on Higher Education and Science (Dz.U. z 2022 r. poz. 574).
Who shall conduct the recognition of a a foreign studies graduation diploma?
A recognition procedure shall be initiated upon application and shall be conducted by a higher education institution having a scientific category A+, A or B+ in the discipline to which the application relates.
University of Warsaw has obtained the following scientific categories:
- cat. A+
− history
− security studies
− psychology
− astronomy
− mathematics
− chemical sciences
− computer and information sciences
− physical sciences
- cat. A
− archaeology
− literary studies
− philosophy
− linguistics
− economics and finance
− social and economic geography and spatial management
− sociology
− Earth and related environmental sciences
- cat. B+
− arts studies
− culture and religion studies
− political and public administration studies
− law
− education
− social communication and media studies
− management and quality studies
− biological sciences
Internal acts determining the procedure of recognition of graduation diplomas at the University of Warsaw
- Ordinance no. 284 of the Rector UW dated 18 December 2020 on the recognition of foreign studies graduation diplomas and confirming studies graduation at a specific level
- Ordinance no. 77 of the Rector UW dated 30 April 2021 on amending the Ordinance of the Rector of the University of Warsaw dated 18 December 2020 on the recognition of foreign studies graduation diplomas and confirming studies graduation at a specific level
Required documents
A person requesting recognition of a foreign studies graduation diploma shall submit to the University of Warsaw the following documents:
- application for recognition of foreign studies graduation diploma – the leading academic discipline for the application shall be chosen from the list of academic disciplines while the teaching and learning council competent to conduct the proceedings shall be chosen from the list of teaching and learning councils;
- applicant’s statement on the place and date of birth;
- foreign studies graduation diploma (with non-sworn translation into Polish);
- certificate or information from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange on the possibility to have the studies graduation diploma, mentioned under item 3, recognized in Poland;
- documents allowing for the assessment of the course of the studies, educational results obtained and duration of the studies (with non-sworn translation into Polish of these documents);
- certificate, diploma or another document, based on which the applicant was admitted to studies (with non-sworn translation into Polish);
- document confirming the change of name (with non-sworn translation into Polish).
The documents mentioned under item 3, 5 and 6 may be submitted in the form of true copies of the originals certified by an authorized employee of the University of Warsaw or official true copies of the originals certified by a notary or an attorney-at-law or legal counsel acting as the applicant’s attorney in the case.
Submitted official true copies or certified by an employee true copies shall not be returned to the applicant.
Place of submitting documents
A person requesting recognition of a foreign studies graduation diploma shall send the required documents by post to the following address:
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Biuro ds. Obsługi Kształcenia
Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warszawa
We recommend sending of official true copies of the originals mentioned under item 3, 5 and 6 certified by a notary or an attorney-at-law or legal counsel acting as the applicant’s attorney.
In particular cases the documents may be submitted to the Office of Academic and Student Affairs in person. It is possible only upon prior arrangement with the employee of the Office.
To make an appointment for submitting documents please contact the Office of Academic and Student Affairs by email:
A fee of 4685,00 PLN for conducting proceedings shall be paid to the bank account:
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warszawa
PL 07 1160 2202 0000 0004 6544 5769
Transfer title: nostryfikacja dyplomu, applicant’s name and surnname
The fee shall not be collected if it is determined that the University is not competent to conduct the proceedings.
Should a fee be charged without the proper justification, it shall be reimbursed.
Course of the proceeding
University of Warsaw compares study curriculum, achieved learning outcomes, obtained professional qualifications, completed vocational practice and duration of the studies with the study curriculum, achieved learning outcomes, obtained professional qualifications, completed vocational practice and duration of the similar studies conducted at this university.
If differences in the study curriculum, learning outcomes or duration of studies are determined, the University of Warsaw may oblige the applicant to pass examinations or to obtain professional qualifications. In such a case conditions and deadlines will be determined by the UW.
If the foreign studies graduation diploma is recognized – as a result of the conducted proceeding – as equivalent to a Polish diploma and professional title, the relevant certificate shall be issued to the applicant.
If the University of Warsaw determines that it is not competent to conduct the proceedings a decision to refuse conducting the proceedings shall be issued; the applicant shall have the right to complain.
The applicant may submit the application at any chosen time.
The date of commencement of proceeding is the day when formally correct application is delivered to the University of Warsaw.
University of Warsaw recognizes or refuses to recognize the foreign studies graduation diploma as equivalent to a Polish diploma and professional title as well as confirms or refuses to confirm studies graduation at a specific level not later than within 90 days from the day it receives the formally correct application.
The defined periods to remedy formal defects, submission of translation into Polish of the documents mentioned under items 3, 5 and 6 as well as passing examinations or obtaining professional qualifications shall not be included to the deadline indicated above (90 days).
Contact details
Office of Academic and Student Affairs
Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warsaw