Gen. Anders Scholarship Programme
About the Programme
The gen. Anders Scholarship Programme is addressed to young foreigners of Polish origin, enabling them to receive higher education and improve their knowledge of the Polish language.
The Programme allows students to undertake full-time first-cycle, second-cycle, or uniform master’s studies in Polish and to participate in a preparatory course preceding studies in Poland. You can learn more about the Programme here.
Method of submitting applications for participation in the Programme
Applications for participation in the gen. Anders Scholarship Programme are to be submitted in electronic form only, via the NAWA ICT system available on the website: Any questions concerning the NAWA ICT system should be addressed to the Agency.
Does the scholarship holder pay tuition fees?
The scholarship holder does not pay tuition fees. In addition, they receive a scholarship. You can learn more about the scholarship from the answers to the two following questions.
What is the amount of the scholarship received by the beneficiary of the Programme?
The scholarship holder receives a scholarship in the amount of:
1. 1250 PLN per month for first-cycle students and for first, second, and third year students of uniform master’s studies;
2. 1500 PLN for students of second-cycle studies and for fourth and fifth year students of uniform master’s studies.
In the case of a documented fortuitous event, the Director of NAWA may, at the scholarship holder’s written request, increase one payment of the scholarship by 500 PLN.
Amount of the scholarship awarded to foreigners who are Polish scholarship holders
Maximum scholarship payment period in an academic year
The maximum payment period of the scholarship in an academic year is 10 months. The tenth payment of the scholarship applies to one freely chosen holiday month. This means that the student should declare which holiday month they will spend in Poland and the scholarship will be paid for that indicated month. It can only be one selected month. For this purpose, a statement should be submitted to one’s educational unit.
What else do the beneficiaries of the Programme receive besides the scholarship?
In addition to the scholarship, the scholarship holders of the Programme receive:
- installation allowance, paid together with the first scholarship in the course of studies, in the amount of 500 PLN. The installation allowance shall not be granted to persons who begin their second-cycle studies having completed their first-cycle studies in Poland;
- one-time benefit in connection with the preparation of the diploma dissertation, paid together with the last scholarship in the course of studies, in the amount of 500 PLN.
Obligation to submit annual partial reports with information on the completion of the academic year and the obtained grade point average
During the cycle of education, NAWA scholarship holders are required to submit annual partial reports with information regarding the completion of the academic year and the obtained grade point average via the NAWA ICT system. The first report should be submitted after the end of the first year of study.
Any questions concerning the NAWA ICT system should be addressed to the Agency.
While repeating a term of study, does the Programme beneficiary receive a scholarship?
Scholarship holders repeating a term of study do not receive a scholarship during that time, but do not lose their scholarship status. After passing the repeated term, the student is obliged to submit a report in the NAWA ICT system. After entering the next term of study, the scholarship holder applies to the Agency, through the university, for a resumption of the payment of the scholarship. This can be done by email.
Will a Programme's scholarship holder conditionally registered for the next term of study receive a scholarship?
A conditional registration for the next term of study does not cause a suspension of the scholarship.
Does the scholarship holder of the Programme pay fees for the repetition of subjects?
The Programme’s scholarship holder does not incur any fees for the repetition of subjects both as part of a conditional registration to the next term of study and a repetition of a term of study.
Loss of scholarship rights due to removal from the list of students
A person removed from the list of students loses their scholarship rights. After resuming their studies, they can no longer apply for a scholarship.
Possibility of withdrawing the scholarship in the event of a subsequent repetition of the term of study.
The scholarship may be revoked due to a subsequent repetition of the year or semester of study. In such a case, the student may, with permission of the university, continue to study without paying tuition fees and without the NAWA scholarship or on other terms and conditions resulting from the act The Law on Higher Education and Science.
Who to contact if you have questions?
If you have any questions about the gen. Anders Scholarship Programme, please contact the Office of Academic and Student Affairs (tel. 22 55 20 424). We are located on the Main Campus of the University of Warsaw in the Old Library, first floor, room 111.
You can also contact the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange directly (tel. 22 390 35 00). NAWA is located in Warsaw on Polna 40.
Can I receive a NAWA scholarship for part-time studies?
No. The Director of NAWA grants scholarships only in the framework of full-time studies.
Does a student who has completed its studies before the date specified in the study plan have the right to continue receiving the NAWA scholarship?
A student who has completed their studies before the date specified in the study plan loses the right to receive a scholarship.